Friday, June 25, 2010

It's Playtime!

Summer is officially here! I love summer....I always have! Most of my fond memories as a child happened in the summer.....Camp Mechuwana, fireflies, latenight kickball games, cookouts at my Grammy Lill's house, and swimming at the river. Those are some good memories! The funny thing is the only photos I have are a few from Camp Mechuwana. I don't hold these memories any less dear because I don't have them's just a bit more difficult to share them since they are just memories etched in my is because of this that I try to document the lives of my children by taking as many photos as I can. I love photography and someday....when I grow up, I would love to be a photographer! This week we got a tire swing and searched for the perfect tree to hang it from. We found a great tree in our front yard! The swing has already provided hours of enjoyment for all of us! It has been great.....we are making some great memories in our new home and are excited for this summer to make lots more!!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Happy Birthday My Sweet Baby Carter.....

Wow...where has the time gone?!?!?!? It doesn't seem possible that just a year ago we were welcoming another child into our family. We have had a wonderful year getting to see Carter grow and develop into a wonderful, sweet little boy. I can't wait to see the person that he will become.