The boys love the Christmas Season. The decorations, the anticipation, the fun! We had a great time this weekend decorating our Christmas Tree and putting up some decorations. The boys love this time of year!
We have had a great fall! The weather has been pretty good and we have had lots of fun times! The boys love to play in the leaves.... and I like leaves MUCH better than snow! We had a great Thanksgiving weekend! So much to be thankful for!
The boys are having an awesome time getting to know their cousins! My brother, his wife and their boys are here from California. We have been lucky enough to be able to spend some time with them! I know how important that my cousins were to me while I was growing up and I am glad that the boys are able to spend time with theirs, even if for a short time!
It is really beginning to feel more like early winter than fall! UGH! But we are enjoying all the outside time when the weather allows! It is no secret that I love summer...... and it shouldn't be a secret that I can't stand winter! LOL Don't get me wrong (for those of you Southerners who *love* the idea of winter.... ) the first snowfall is if the aftermath and the cleanup and the 12th storm of the season when you have no place left to put the white stuff that things really start to get old! So, until the white stuff really starts flying, we will enjoy any nice weather that we do get outside!
I have always called Carter my "sweet boy" and this page shows why! He is the sweetest little boy! He love to snuggle and can be so endearing! He is a lot of fun!
Max loves to go outside and play! Winter, Spring, Summer, doesn't matter! He loves to be outside! I love it when I am able to capture great photos of him outside!
I am a stay-at-home Mom to 3 little boys: Jacob (8), Maxwell (6), Carter (4) and our newest bundle, Katherine. I have a wonderfully supportive husband, Paul, who works very hard to support all the hobbies that I have! We love to go to Walt Disney World as often as we can!