At the risk of sounding very redundant....I love Summer.....I also love apple picking with my family! The other day, I got to enjoy BOTH of those things on the same day! LOL It was 82 degrees in Maine (you read correctly, that was 82 degrees in Maine on September 27th). It was awesome! We decided to take advantage of the nice weather and head out to the apple orchard after Jacob got home from school. One of our very favorite things about living where we used to live was the the BEST orchard in existence was right down the road from us. Moving away from Doles Orchard was hard..... we live close to an orchard now....but it doesn't come close to comparing to Doles Orchard! We are getting used to the "new" orchard, but the boys still miss and talk about Doles! We had a great time picking apples in the heat! We had a great time!